Building, generating awareness.

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Building, generating awareness.

Generate energy is expensive and polluting but essential for the development of human activity. Our society simply needs electricity, needs fuel for its operation but faces the dilemma that these, as we know now, are finite and consumption harms the environment. This is something very important, its production and cost have direct impact on the P.I.B., gross domestic product, that is to say, the wealth of each country. In the case of our approximately 3,2% A) Yes, developed countries have approached the solution to this problem in two ways (which they are complementary): improving the means of obtaining energy from clean, renewable sources and savings in consumption.

All citizens can implement a series of simple steps that will make us save energy (and therefore money) in our daily. We can learn to drive more efficiently, use appliances that get better performance (legislation is imposing minimal manufacturers), collaborate on recycling and avoid conduct involving a waste. Housing, beyond these daily logical behavior we must have something in mind: the law provides that all new buildings must have an Energy Performance Certificate, possession being also required to sell or rent. The aim is that consumers are clear about the level of quality in terms of energy efficiency of the property.

A) Yes, If we talk about a building of a certain age we should think about making some changes trying to place special emphasis on the materials we seek the best possible thermal insulation to save heating consumption in winter and air conditioning in summer. This includes enclosures, carps, awnings, windows ... ie find that construction elements are as efficient as possible, that adequate ventilation etc.. Also we try the most redeeming possible for heating and hot water pipes insulated, thermostats and programmers and improve lighting systems and appliances with energy saving lamps and much good natural light and appliances as efficient as possible.

In new buildings will look fit these parameters bioclimatic architecture. It is looking compact buildings with a wraparound lower in relation to the volume of these, its design takes into account the terrain, nearby vegetation, noise sources, orientation depending on the weather, distribution for ventilation ... and uses materials that reduce energy demand.

Building Crecemos!! Inergia