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¡Hola! Las casas prefabricadas son una opción cada vez más popular en España debido a su rapidez de construcción, bajo costo y flexibilidad de diseño. A continuación te proporciono información sobre el tema: ¿Qué son las casas prefabricadas? Las casas prefabricadas son viviendas que se construyen en una fábrica y luego se transportan al lugar

Building, generating awareness.

Generate energy is expensive and polluting but essential for the development of human activity. Our society simply needs electricity, needs fuel for its operation but faces the dilemma that these, as we know now, are finite and consumption harms the environment. It is about something of sum…

New State Plan of Housing does it affect us?

The 9 March came into force, with its publication in the Official State Bulletin Royal Decree 106/2018 with the new State Housing Plan is regulated. A government initiative that will be in effect four years (its effect is retroactive to January 1 of 2018) , and pretends…

¿Construction bubble?

In April the Spanish Central Bank ECB and the European Statistical Agency Eurostat made public the balance of the year 2017 as regards housing prices both new construction and second-hand noting the moderate housing market recovery. Once inflation was discounted, the ECB established…

New public procurement law works, good or bad?

The 9 March came into force the new law to regulate more clearly, order and transparency a sector that represents nothing less than the 20% (approximately) the P.I.B. of our country. We talk about the new Law on Public Sector Contracts that comes with a little delay (two years) after a…

Works of the past very present

In INERGIA always we aim towards the future but also admire the engineering and know-how in the constructions of the past. As a company of the Costa del Sol, a territory rich in vestiges of great works in which our ancestors with their architecture, They printed a lot of talent, It could not be otherwise. I know…

Cosntrucción high-flying

In INERGIA we love big challenges, We admire the milestones and we are passionate about numbers and impressive records of architecture and construction. Today we will share with you algunod facts and trivia from the list of the ten tallest buildings in the world: 10º International Commerce Center, en Hong Kong, has 484…

Patents that revolutionized construction and architecture

Who could anticipate there by 1824 Patent presenting to the public the British James Parker and Joseph Aspdin revolutionize the world of construction and change in a few decades the face of the earth? Portland cement was born as a result of research and the continuous search for an artificial cement with which to…

A new construction fad or reality?

Cities change, They are evolving as its inhabitants, its streets, neighborhoods, Public Buildings, developments and homes are a reflection of those living on them. Architecture seeks to make fuller lives of people by providing them a place they can feel itself, designed for practical life but also seeks new ways, always innovating for…

Curiosities, construction, reforms and architecture. Amsterdam

Did you know architecture…..? Among the many attractions and sights that amaze travelers visiting Amsterdam is its architecture. Certainly stand out razor-thin that many of the buildings